WARRIOR SOUL: Live στο Αn Club τον Φεβρουάριο


Oι διαχρονικοί θρύλοι του acid punk – rock n’roll ήχου, WARRIOR SOUL, που έγραψαν ιστορία την περίοδο των 90’s, επιστρέφουν στην χώρα μας, έχοντας στις αποσκευές τους το εξαίρετο “Back On The Lash”!

• Περιορισμένη προπώληση: 10€
• Υπόλοιπη προπώληση: 13€
• Ταμείο 13 ευρώ


Οι WARRIOR SOUL, η μπάντα του εμβληματικού και ακούραστου Kory Clarke, επισκέπτονται την χώρα μας, στα πλαίσια της παρουσίασης του τελευταίου τους άλμπουμ “Back On The Lash” που κυκλοφόρησε την 1η Δεκεμβρίου, μέσω της Livewire / Cargo Records UK.

23 Φεβρουαρίου – ΑN Club, Αθήνα,
24 Φεβρουαρίου – t.b.a.
25 Φεβρουαρίου – 8ball Club, Θεσσαλονίκη

“You mighta had dope, guns, and riots in the streets, but your kids have smartphones and Netflix and they could not care less about your cyclops revolution. Which is a bit of a nightmare for the last true rock star, a wild-card from the streets of Detroit, Kory Clarke who made his reputation and career on being the baddest motherf*cker in all of Badsville with an incendiary socio-political agenda and a roar-for-war that rattles mountains.” – Classic Rock

Kory Clarke – Vocals
Stevie Pearce – Guitar
Christian Kimmett – Bass

What rock’s angriest man did next! While nobody can really blame Warrior Soul mainman Kory Clarke for dropping out of the fight every few years to mop up the blood and give his embattled liver a brief respite from further punishment, now is probably the most crucial moment this band have ever had. He always warned about a fascist, warmongering USA, and now he’s got one. If rock’n’roll’s angriest man was ever gonna rally the troops and bring truth to power, the time is now. So this better be some album. And it is. – Classic Rock
“Back On The Lash” is the best Warrior Soul record in Lord knows how long. It is the best thing Kory Clarke has been involved in since the Space Age Playboys record in 1994.You can save rock n roll. If records like this exist, that is. – Maximum Volume Music

More infos soon…